I believe most of you had been accessed to e-government website in Malaysia such as checking PMR result, National Service (NS) name list, summon, and others. This blog will going give u more information about e-government.
Definitions of e-government range from “the use of information technology to free
movement of information to overcome the physical bounds of traditional paper
and physical based systems”1 to “the use of technology to enhance the access to
and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and
movement of information to overcome the physical bounds of traditional paper
and physical based systems”1 to “the use of technology to enhance the access to
and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and
The implementation of e-goverment started since intiated of Multimedia Super Corridor(MSC)by the Malaysian government. Most of the e-government project implementations are are currently in progress.

Generic Office Enviroment(GOE)
Generic Office Enviroment (GOE) is introduce a fully intergrated, distributed and scalable office enviroment that leverages use of multimedia technology.This will enable efficient communication , allowing collaboration among all workers, and ensure the right information reaching right people in the right time.
Electronic Procurement (eP) Project
eP Project is to re-engineer, automate and transfrom current procurement system. The project will cover central contract, tender and direct purchase. Besides that, the use of eP will increase transparency, save time and money when encourage supplier to go electronic and join the K ecomomy.
Human Resource Management Information System( HRMIS)
HRMIS will provide a single interface for government employees to perform human resource function effectively and efficiency. In addition, it will help to standardize all human resource process for federal, states, statutory body, and local authority sevice. The objective of HRMIS is not just for record keeping but also privide transaction functions such as leave application, loan processing and selection of employee.
Project Monitoring System ( PMS )
t is one of the e-government projects that create mechanism to monitor project implementation throughout government agencies. It would provided platform to exchange ideas and demonstrate best practices in information management and communication services. It consists of Application Services, Data Services and Communication Services.
Electronic Services Directory ( eServices )
It is a pilot project that allows Malaysian to engage in transaction and utility payment such as telephone and electricity bill, police summons, Road and Transport Department ( RTD ) services. The eService is accessed via multi channel service delivery like the internet and kiosk machines. For example, Rilek services. It allows public members to access general information on outstanding summons via touch sreen infokiosk. Please log on to http://www.rilek.com.my/ for more information. Driver licensing and summons services is one of the deliverably phase for the eServices project.
Electronic Labor Exchange ( ELX )
This projects help to improve mobilisation of human resource optimize work force utilisation via syatematic matching of job seekers to job vacancies. So, Ministry of Human Resource is to be a one-stop centre that contains labor market information accessible to the public.

Citizen’s adoption strategies
1. Customer satisfaction
E-Government adoption requires that citizens show higher levels of satisfaction with the online service provided by the government. A higher level of customer satisfaction will increase the rate of e-Government adoption.
2. Service Quality
Online service quality for e-Government could be measured in terms of quality of content provided on the website, the speed of the response to the citizens concerns with problem solving approach, and the availability of names. Other important measurement factors are telephone and fax numbers of personnel with whom citizens might need to get in touch, and the integration of an offline channel with online channel so that citizens could interact with government departments through other means if necessary. Higher quality of service will lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and thus can increase the use of e-government services.
3. Website Design
Personalization of websites, customization of product offerings, and self-care are the three key features that could be used not only to build relationship with the visitors, but also to enhance their experience. These features give visitors a sense of control and participation and could potentially enhance their adoption
4. User Characteristic
User characteristics such as perceived risk, perceived control, and internet experience can have a direct impact on internet adoption. Experience influences a citizen’s trust of e-Government. Users with prior experience, especially if satisfied, would be more likely to return to use e-Government services. Perceived risk leads to security and privacy issues that could discourage the use of online services. It is important to ensure that citizens can transact online securely and their personal information will be kept confidential to increase the level of trust and the e-government adoption rate.
Malaysia is still weak in applying this technique...
ReplyDeleteya..i agree with u..as malaysia is still very lag behind developed countries like japan..america..