Basically, PayPal is an e-commerce business that allows payments and money being transfer via the Internet. Moreover, it also serves an alternative to the traditional paper methods such as cheques and money orders.Paypal performs payments or transactions processing for online vendors, auction sites, and other corporate users, for which it charges a fee. Well, it sometimes does charges a transaction fee for receiving money, i.e. a % of the amount sent plus an additional fixed amount.

Paypal succeeded as an e-commerce business is mainly because of its safety and security where its provide a strong control in identifying the online theft and phishing. Besides that, Paypal also provides a security key which enhance the layer of security. Thus, make the user accounts to be more resistant to intrusion and it's easy to use.In addition, it's free to sign up for PayPal account to send money to friends and family.
Users also can transfer their money from their bank account to PayPal account at no charge. PayPal transaction fees for Premier and Business accounts, is considerably low. For instance, if monthly sales is between $ 0.00U SD to $3,000.00 USD, then the price of per transaction is only $0.30USD plus 3.9%.Paypal also enable the users to make payment without exposing credit card nor account numbers to the merchant. Thus, provide 100% protection for unauthorized payments. Moreover, provides 24/7 monitoring to prevent fraud.
For all these reasons, PayPal has been successfully in e-commerce world.
Useful links:
1) About PayPal
2) PayPal Security Center
3) PayPal-Nonprofit Success Stories
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