Monday, January 19, 2009

My name is...

My name is Ong Yi Lin from Kemaman Terengganu, however, I have been studying in KL since 2001, which is CHONG HWA INDEPENDENT HIGH SCHOOL, KUALA LUMPUR. You can imagine how pity I am to leave my hometown and live in hostel when I was just a 13 years old little girl. Anyway, I do enjoy my secondary school life and I appreciate that my parents had made the right decision to send me to the school that far away from my hometown. At least, I learnt to be independent.

There was a slight change in my life in year 2007 when I was graduated from CHONG HWA and continue my study in Utar, Sungai Long. I am doing Bachelor of Commerce Accounting.

My hobby is watching movie, song listening, and surfing net, so you can probably guess how I spend most of my time.

The website I visit the most is Most of my friends continue their studies in different universities even oversea since we graduate from secondary school. Thus, we do not have much time to meet up and even don’t know how’s their life is going on. Friendster allowed user to upload photo, create blog, send message, drop comment for buddies, and so on. I can see my buddies’ recent life by viewing their blog and photos. Besides that, I can keep in touch with them by sending or dropping a message in their blog. In addition, I can even search for those friends who are already lost contact (such as kindergarden friends, primary schoolmates) through typing the related information.

There are too much events that we don’t know and as we all know, library provide a lot of useful information and knowledge to us, however it is very time consuming for us to personally go library and search for information. Thus, in order to obtain information faster, I usually will use It’s fast and easy. Just type the related keywords, then all the related links will be found. As you know, university assignment are more on information research, thus google helps me a lot on this extent.

Besides that, I always visit It is more fast and convenience. I can read daily news by visit malaysiakini website rather than buy a newspaper every morning. Besides that, Malaysiakini allowed users to search the past news which is categorize by date rather then finding the past newspaper in the recycle bin.

I am a person that like give my opinions as well as taking opinions from others, therefore during my free time I will visit some forums, among all the forum, I visit the most.

I really enjoy listening music while I am surfing net or doing other stuff. Thus, I always visit to find out whether there are any new songs uploaded. Besides that, haoting also allowed user to search the song they want by entering the song name or singer of the song.

Finally, I am wishing all my buddies have a very happy Chinese new year, and of course, everyone can graduate by the flying colour result!!

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