Saturday, January 31, 2009

An example of an E-Commerce success and its causes

Happy Chinese New Year to all my friends~!!

Since chinese new year is around, lets talk something good, for example, the success of an E-commerce, but not failure. haha!!

E-commerce allows people to create completely new business models.
Internet is a very powerful communication tool in trade. It is faster and more efficient because trader can reduce operational cost as well as transaction and delivery time, and that is why more and more e-commerce is emerging. Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you have probably heard about e-commerce.

One of the examples of success e-commerce is Styled and functioning similar to the international auction site,, powers a strong and secure avenue for trading in Malaysia. The idea of an auction site in Malaysia has taken off with huge response. Starting based on Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) transactions, is now moving to becoming a channel for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) relationships. Many distributors have realized the power of using the auction system and are now using to trade and grow their business.

Many of us have lots of items lying around the house that are not currently in use; whether second hand or new items that we have not gotten around to disposing of. This is a major factor that has brought many users to According to the introduction of, approximately 70% of all items posted for auction on their site are sold.

Besides that, Lelong website is also focus heavily on customer support and in the event of any problems or queries arising, any e-mails / phone calls are responded to almost instantaneously. Problems that arise can also be posted in the forum and many users play a major role in replying and helping out others. With all their on-going efforts, a community of auction users has formed which are extremely diverse, and who actively interact among one another. This causes them to feel at home and comfortable trading with other members. And this is the reason why is always be the first choice of people when they are try to buy or sell something online. is one of the major shopping and reliable website in Malaysia, it makes Malaysia market more variable. Other than traditional way to make transaction, provide another platform for doing the transaction. Thus, if u are attending to commence an e-commerce, perhaps, u can takes as your reference.

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